04 July, 2011

HAARP: Playing at Divinity

            When I began work on this article, I thought it would be fairly easy to write. After all, how difficult could it be to track connections between HAARP experiments followed by natural catastrophes? But as I began to delve deeper and deeper into the information connected to HAARP I realized that there is nothing simple about it. There is a substantial amount of physics, geology, and other highly complex subjects. In an effort to offer a full picture view of this subject, I have decided to turn the HAARP Article into a HAARP Series. This is the first installment of that series.
HAARP: Playing at Divinity
            For over a decade there has been speculation as to what is causing an increase in the number of natural disasters recorded each year. From climate change to the end of the Mayan Long Count to improvements in monitoring technology, everyone seems to have a theory that explains recent disasters. But what if these disasters were not natural at all, but the effects of man, dabbling in technologies that He does not fully understand?

            HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Based out of an Air Force base near Gakona, Alaska, HAARP is jointly funded by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the United States Air Force and Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (a department of the Department of Defense) and other Universities across the country. According to HAARP’s website, the official purpose of HAARP is to study “the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.” The HAARP website explains that they will carry out this study by using “The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study. “The IRI is made up of 180 towers that generate over 3.6 million watts of electricity. There are several other instruments used by HAARP, such as the Ultra High Frequency Radar, the Very High Frequency Radar, a Fluxgate Magnetometer (which measures magnetic particles), a Digisonde (a device used to determine characteristics of the ionosphere), and the Induction Magnometer (which detects temporary variations in the geomagnetic field.) These instruments are used to study the physical processes that occur in the ionospheric region being stimulated by the HAARP Ionospheric Research Instrument.

            Now, I know that sounds like a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo, but bear with me. Basically what all of those fancy instruments do is send a jolt of energy, up to 200 times the annual energy usage for a family of four, into the highest portion of the atmosphere (the ionosphere) and then studies the effects. The reason they do this, according to their website, is to improve communication and surveillance technology.

            Sounds simple enough. Until you start digging.

History of HAARP:

HAARP’s first official patent was filed sometime in the late 80’s to early 90’s (the date is unclear as it was classified for National Security purposed for the first few years) by Arco Power Technologies Incorporate, a subsidiary of one of the largest oil companies in the world, and the HAARP Project officially began sometime in 1990. Arco was the contractor who built phase 1 of the HAARP facility, with construction beginning in 1993.

For undisclosed reasons, Arco then sold the patents and the rights to phase 2 construction to E-Systems, which is one of the biggest intelligence contractors in the world, in June of 1994.

E-Systems was then bought out by Raytheon, one of the largest defense contractors in the world which has ties to the Manhattan Project (the Manhattan Project was the development of the atomic bomb) and remote controlled military aircraft. Raytheon was also the company that had 5 senior officials on 3 of the 4 hijacked planes of September 11th and was responsible for getting members of the Saudi Arabian Royal family out of America following September 11th. But I digress. 

In 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security, and Defense Policy held public hearings on HAARP and its environmental impacts. Although warnings were issued as to the adverse effects HAARP is capable of generating, it was decided that the Committee did not have the authority to take any action against the HAARP Program.

            The current Ionospheric Research Instrument was completed in 2007 at a cost of $250 Million US Dollars in construction and operational costs, the majority of which was funded by federal taxes paid by American citizens.

            Capabilities of HAARP:

            Officially, HAARP has a variety uses other than studying the ionosphere, all reflecting its diverse background. For example, the original patent for HAARP was for a technology that would allow Arco Power Technologies Incorporated to send electrical energy over a wireless grid.

HAARP’s military funding has led to the development of a technology that is capable of disrupting aircraft GPS and missile guidance systems over a precise region.

HAARP is also capable of sending signals to the ionosphere that then fall back to Earth and penetrate its surface, essentially providing a sort of map that allows the military and other personnel to identify underground munitions, mineral deposits, and subsurface tunnel systems. This alone cost American Tax-Payers 15 million dollars.

            However, it is the not-so-official capabilities of HAARP that are much, much more interesting. These capabilities, however, are very hard to prove. Those connected to the  HAARP project will not confirm any of these unofficial capabilities, though numerous military documents have been made public through the Freedom of Information Act that seem to hint at HAARP without ever mentioning it.

            One such document, issued by the United States Air Force, states its intention to run a simulation in which “US aerospace forces 'own the weather' by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications." While not directly related to the official uses of HAARP, it is within the capabilities of the HAARP facility to do so. Basically, by energizing the atmosphere, it causes a destabilization that results in the skies dumping rain before it would naturally do so. Also, by energizing rivers of water vapor in the atmosphere, HAARP can short-circuit the natural rain-evaporation system of the planet.

            Other documents state that the US military is seeking technologies that will enable military personnel to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes."

The Department of Defense's National Imagery and Mapping Agency and NASA are currently developing technologies that will use satellites and be capable of producing "imagery for studies of flooding, erosion, land-slide hazards, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts, and climate change.” This might not sound so bad, unless you consider that they are not trying to prevent these events, but cause them.  The Department of Defense has also extensively funded the development of systems capable of monitoring climate change. While this is not directly related to the official purposes of HAARP, it is, again, well within its capabilities. It also begs the question: Why is the Department of Defense concerned about climate change, as their official stance is one of disbelief?

The United States Air Force has documents that talk about “artificial electromagnetic fields” that will be capable of “dealing with terrorists, crowd control, controlling breeches of security at military installations, and anti-personnel technology in tactical warfare.” The same document continues to state that this technology “would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption” (messing up how people would normally behave or think) “, or perceptual disruption or disorientation.” (how people perceive reality) “In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to the point that they would be combat ineffective.” Further down, the same document states that the same technology could “produce coverage over large areas with a single system.” and that these technologies “are silent and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.” Other US military documents refer to the same technology as being capable of enhancing individuals’ ability for anomalous phenomena (telepathy, telekinesis, seeing ghosts, etc.)

Other documents refer to ‘electronic weapons’ (HAARP is an electronic device capable of being used as a weapon) to be “gentler and kinder warfare” and call for the development of a technology capable of producing a nuclear size explosion without the harmful and widespread effects of radiation.

In addition to these military documents, numerous scientists around the world have come forward to confirm that, not only is HAARP capable, but is in fact already testing (if not using with full knowledge of) these capabilities.

Commonly refered to as "HAARP Lights" this rainbow-like
cloud was spotted over Chili the day before the 2010

            One such scientist is Dr. Rosalie Bertell, an epidemiologist (study of health-event patterns in a society) and an expert on environmental health and the effects of radiation. According to Dr. Bertell,” the United States military has scientists working on weather systems as potential weapons. The methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods.” She describes HAARP as "a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet."

            Dr. Nicholas Begich, a physician, bestselling author and anti-HAARP activist, calls HAARP "A super-powerful radio wave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything-living and dead."

            Still more disturbing is the possibility that HAARP could cause adverse effects on the human brain, such as causing entire populations to have strokes on a regional scale. This is based on the fact that the HAARP facility operates on the same frequency as the human brain. The HAARP radio towers could also selectively disrupt global communications and GPS systems. 

In addition, HAARP could generate storms that cover entire hemispheres, and cause permanent droughts or rainy seasons by electrically charging, and thereby altering, the water vapor in the atmosphere. The ground penetrating radar could actually cause tectonic movements and thereby trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Both of these capabilities could disrupt or even destroy regional economies and agricultural centers.

The ability to tamper with the magnetic field could generate massive Electro Magnetic Pulses, rendering all electronic equipment useless, and cause the migratory patterns of animals to be disrupted, leading to widespread extinctions and ecological destruction. The ability to control the ionosphere could allow a sort of magnifying glass for solar radiation, causing wide-spread cancer. The best part, from a military point-of-view, is that the enemy would never even know it was being attacked

            All of this electrifying of the ionosphere and magnetic field is usually increased up to 1.000 fold and can travel half-way around the globe, what HAARP documents refer to as “a runaway effect.”


            Chem Trails are believed by some to be a sort of foaming chemical that stays in the atmosphere, making it HAARP experiments more effective. The United States government officially denies the existence of Chem Trails, claiming they are the vapor that comes from all airplanes, However, normal vapor disappears a certain distance behind the aircraft. Chem Trails stay in the sky and slowly expand to form long wavy clouds or, if there was enough chemicals sprayed, to form a thick cloud cover over entire cities.

            The United States HAARP facility hosts a yearly PR open house, which is open to all US citizens. However, there are no cameras allowed and anyone entering the facility is subject to search and seizure of personal property (like video capable cell-phones.) Regardless of the official purpose of the HAARP project, it is clear that the potential to produce disasters is there. Even more frightening, is that the HAARP facility in Alaska is only one of dozens around the world. One thing remains quite clear: the advance of man’s technology has far exceeded the advance of man’s wisdom.
In next week’s conclusion of the HAARP series, we will cover the exact locations of these facilities as well as examine the possibility that HAARP projects worldwide have already caused dozens of “natural” disasters and the “tell-tale” signs of a HAARP event, among other things.
Stay tuned!

dutchsinse: the best HAARP forecast on the net
Raytheon Thread on Godlike Productions
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

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